Welcome to McCluskey Mediation. I am an accredited family law mediator and experienced family law solicitor based in Knutsford, Cheshire.
Based in Knutsford, Cheshire, I set up McCluskey Mediation in 2017. I help separating couples with all issues in relation to separation and divorce including arrangements for children and sorting finances. I use my knowledge and experience of family law to assist couples in resolving disputes that can inevitably arise following separation or divorce in a positive non-confrontational way and without the large legal fees or stress associated with court proceedings.
After practising family law for over twenty years I have all too often seen the dire effect of contested court proceedings can have on families and passionately believe that mediation offers a much better alternative to separating couples and especially for their children hence my decision to set up my own mediation practice.
It is quicker and cheaper than contested court proceedings and will hopefully help you get on with the rest of your life as soon as possible.
It is less stressful than court and can work very well alongside you taking independent legal advice. (I can provide you with details of solicitors who can support you through the mediation process).
Research shows that mediation is better than court when sorting arrangements for children and results in better outcomes for them as it crucially encourages communication between parents.
You both will have more say about what happens. No two families are the same so your mediator can help you reach an agreement which is bespoke and right for your family. You reach your own decision rather than have a decision imposed on you by the court.